vim python autoindent
linux系统常用VIM配置文件 --.
How to stop auto indenting - Vim Tips.
Vim Tab Stop
Vim & Python: Making yourself at home
vim settings
linux系统常用VIM配置文件 --.
Hashnote - Vimを最強のPython IDEにする
vim python autoindent
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Vimを最強のPython IDEにする Posted at 12月 7, 2011 2 comments are posted to this article
vim python autoindent
Vim & Python: Making yourself at home
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配置 vim Python IDE 开发环境 | Allegro Nanu
Vim & Python: Making yourself at home. You might look at Python code every day, but what is the lens through which you view code? It's your text editor.
在 Linux 下对 vim 进行一些配置,使之支持如下特性: 1. 加强的 Python 语法高亮显示; 2. 对脚本、项目生成 ctag 序列;
"See $VIMRUNTIME/indent/python.vim au FileType python set nosmartindent autoindent" Allow gf command to open files in $PYTHONPATH au FileType python let &path = &path
Vim Smartindent
How to setup VIM autoindentation properly.
This tip discusses automatic indenting of text that may occur while you are typing, and explains
The indent features of Vim are very helpful for indenting source code. This tip discusses
I've troubles setting VIM ( for editing python files. Indenting seems to be broken (optimal 4 spaces). I've followed some tutorials I found via Google.
How to stop auto indenting - Vim Tips.
Related links: ringcrow
tiacopere - 10. Dez, 00:16